
Christian Academy School System

High School Educational Resource Teacher 2024-2025 (MB-IN-ER-Teacher-24-25)

Job Posting

Job Details

TitleHigh School Educational Resource Teacher 2024-2025
Posting IDMB-IN-ER-Teacher-24-25

Christian Academy

School System


PositionEducational Resource Teacher 

Indiana Campus




Job Description


We seek to hire a full-time Educational Resource Teacher to work in a small group setting with students who are experiencing academic weaknesses. We seek someone with a passion for teaching students who learn differently as well as a strong background in math and classroom interventions. The teacher must have the ability to work cooperatively with classroom teachers, perform classroom observations and diagnostics. The teacher will be responsible for writing individualized modification/accommodation plans. The teacher will also have the ability to facilitate and effectively communicate educational concerns with parents in conferences.




The candidate shall possess characteristics that reflect:

  • A strong clear Christian testimony with a mature, godly spirit
  • A daily example of the highest Christian virtue both in and out of school 
  • A clear passion for learning/teaching others about God’s word and personal spiritual growth
  • Commitment to faithful attendance and support of a church whose beliefs are in agreement with the Statement of Faith for Christian Academy School System
  • Agreement and belief that The Bible is the final authority concerning truth, morality, and the proper conduct of mankind

The ideal candidate shall possess the following:

  • A Bachelor’s degree in Special Education
  • A minimum of one year of experience teaching in a self-contained or resource classroom setting
  • Knowledge and experience in writing individualized modification/accommodation plans
  • An ACSI Teacher certification and a state teaching certificate or be in the process of obtaining certification


Accountabilities / Responsibilities:


Staff and Program Development

  • Oversee continual growth in campus programming to meet student needs
  • Attend faculty meetings; campus meetings, professional development, and monthly CASS Academic Support meetings
  • Foster communication efforts between parents and teachers; encourage Matthew 18 principle
  • Communicate school policies and procedures regarding the referral process, modifications, and accommodations to staff and parents
  • Develop and implement faculty in-service presentations: referral process, identifying students needing intervention, intervention, and instructional strategies as needed, etc.
  • Develop and maintain communication with outside referral/testing/counseling agencies
  • Prepare monthly progress reports of caseload and end of year caseload summary stipulating assessed needs and results as needed
  • Represent the school at ARC meetings and conferences with outside agencies

 Student Focused Tasks

  • Collaborate with the classroom teacher, school counselor, and/or Principal for questions about testing reports, or guidance with referrals
  • Communicate with teachers to collect data and process academic referrals
  • Analyze data for student placement and programming; including file reviews for incoming students 
  • Assess student level of need via classroom observations, individual reading inventories, informal auditory and visual processing tasks, work samples, anecdotal notes, and screenings/testing, etc
  • Provide support for classroom teachers by writing and providing the implementation of accommodation/modification plans
  • Provide pull out small group remedial instruction in collaboration with the classroom teacher that documents student growth/monitoring data
  • Provide collaborative instruction with the classroom teacher as needed
  • Collaborate with classroom teachers on implementing instructional intervention strategies
  • Utilize technology to gather data, work with students, streamline information, etc
  • Maintain anecdotal records, collect, and analyze data of student progress for students receiving academic support services
  • Prepare and process paperwork for students referred for psychoeducational testing and process paperwork


Home Connection Tasks


  • Communicate student progress with parents regularly
  • Explain formal testing procedures to parents
  • Provide strategies for home practice that facilities student learning
  • Offer referrals for private specialized services (tutoring, occupation or speech therapy, etc.)


Reporting Relationship: 

The Educational Resource Teacher is accountable to both the Director of Educational Resources and the school Principal.


Shift TypeFull-Time 10 Months Full Benefits
Salary RangeExempt - Salaried
LocationChristian Academy - Indiana Campus

Applications Accepted

Start Date06/10/2024